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Berceau des Sens once again awarded a star in the Michelin Guide!

Actualités EHL



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We are pleased and proud to announce that for the second consecutive year, the Berceau des Sens has been awarded a star in the Michelin Guide.

With its fresh look, its unique cuisine and, above all, its exceptional team that allows it to maintain a first-class level even in an educational setting, the BDS has truly impressed the critics of the Michelin Guide. This year the Guide, which "takes its hat off" to BDS, emphasizes the excellent quality of the products, the menu halfway between classic and modern and the very pleasant setting.

The awarding of a star for the second year in a row attests to the merit of Chef Cédric Bourassin, André Wawrzyniak and their teams, without whom this feat would not have been possible.

Join us in congratulating them for a great performance and a great human adventure!

We remind you that as an EHL Alliance member, you benefit from a 20% discount on our BDS. 

Contact us to make your reservation! laura.bagady@ehl.ch or +41  21 785 15 30

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