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EHL is the world's leading institution in hospitality management education

Actualités EHL



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Dear Alumni,  

It gives me great pleasure to announce to you that EHL has once again confirmed its position as the world's leading institution in hospitality management education and is now among the top five business management institutions in Switzerland.

To establish its international rankings, the independent organization QS World University Rankings relies primarily on the reputation of universities in the academic world and among 50,000 employers. EHL's status as a reference has been built on its ability to offer a favorable environment in which to study and to train graduates who are in high demand for their skills, knowledge and exemplary attitude.

Beyond the rankings and distinctions, it is with humility and a great sense of responsibility that we must continue to make the educational environment evolve towards the new aspirations of students, and open the way to an innovative, collaborative and caring post-covid world. 

I invite you to click here for more information, and to share the news around you and on the digital sphere!  

Yours sincerely, 

Michel Rochat 

CEO of EHL Group 


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