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Student Business Project - Fall 2022

Actualités EHL





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Dear Network,

Are you looking to mandate a business project in hospitality, customer experience, service design, or business processes?

Do you remember the EHL Student Business Projects (SBP)?

Under the supervision of our faculty experts, our final-year students apply their skills and competencies to help businesses in many areas, from NGOs to hotel chains, healthcare providers, and banks to accomplish a mission and give you strong recommendations. 


Feel free to contact Cassie Schmutz at infosbp@ehl.ch; it will help her understand your expectations and offer a personalized approach.

To your diaries! The next SBP session starts on November 7th, and spots are still available should you wish to collaborate with our students from the English section.

Finally, registration is also open for the Spring 2023 session for both the French and English sections.  


Looking forward to hearing from you!

The SBP Team


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