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Sustainability - Materiality Survey

Actualités EHL





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Dear Alumni, 

As we observe climate change take different forms, sustainability has become indispensable in EHL’s strategy. 

To grasp the priorities to set in the work of the team, The EHL Strategy & Sustainability department is circulating a survey among EHL alumni, staff and students to have their feedback on which sustainability-related topics should be considered priorities.

To do so, we are conducting a materiality analysis where you can rate the priorities on economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

The materiality assessment suggested in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework - adopted in last year’s EHL environmental and social report - is a stakeholder engagement exercise to be renewed each 3-5 years. Seize this opportunity to amplify your voice on this vital topic.

The survey should not take you longer than 5 minutes.

Take the survey! 

Thank you in advance for your participation.

The EHL Sustainability team


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