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From EHL to Beirut, one #EHLFamily

Actualités EHL



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Dear EHL Family, 

To say that we have all been challenged since the beginning of the year is an understatement.

As the world goes through a major upheaval, we can only acquiesce, ride the wave… and also do our best to preempt it. Unfortunately, preemption has not been an option for our friends in Beirut, Lebanon.

EHL Group has always strived to be innovative, responsive, and anticipative, while fostering an unmatchable sense of solidarity - #EHLFamily - that we carry in our hearts wherever we are. A value that distinguishes us and gets us to unite beyond limitations. These past week, we have received countless messages and spontaneous requests to support our #EHLFamily in Lebanon that has been facing unimaginable devastation following the disastrous explosion in Beirut. You have reached out to us, and to each other. We can only be proud to witness your generosity and solidarity and are so touched to see the EHL values being carried forward by you and your stamm members.

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions.

Many of you have expressed your desire to extend your financial support. To ensure a seamless and transparent initiative, the EHL Group launches a crowdfunding page and will match the amount raised up to a limit of Frs. 15'000.-. The totality of the funds will be transferred to a recognized and trusted NGO, the Lebanese Food Bank (LFB). 

Walid Maalouf, EHL graduated 93, is the board general secretary and chair of fundraising and expansion of the Lebanese Food Bank (LFB). As an Internationally recognized NGO, its main mission is to eradicate hunger in Lebanon since 2012. In the past years, the LFB has selected over 120NGOs with who they work closely and thus covering all of the nation. Audited by Deloitte, the Lebanese Food Bank and its partners are a-political and serve people of all confessions.

Find here a message from Walid Maalouf

Thank you for being our Ambassadors. United we stand.

 Your EHL & AEHL Teams

 Michel Rochat & Grégoire Pavillon


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